LIVE AND EXCLUSIVE I VÅR BLUESSTUE SANDNES BRYGGE DUKE ROBILLARD! Her er vel dette årets rosin i pølsa som de sier. Vi får storbesøk av en som har spilt med de største bluesmusikere i verden. The Blues Music Awards (formerly W. C. Handy Awards) have named Duke Robillard "Best Blues Guitarist" four years out of five (2000,2001,2003,2004) making him the second most honored guitarist for that award! He was also nominated in that category in 2005, 2007 and again this year of 2008. BB King himself has called Duke "One of the great players," The Houston Post called him "one of God's guitarists. And the New York Times says "Robillard is a soloist of stunning force and originality!
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